Friday, May 22, 2015



Who had an awesome time at their elective?   WE DID

"I did science with Miss McDonald. We mixed ingredients together which blew up some balloons." James

 "I did art in Room 3. We drew fish." Summer

 "I did woodwork with Dad (Craig Maguire). We made a little wooden box." Sienna

"I did knitting with  and it was not easy but it was fun and a challenge, I want to make a scarf." Rowan

"I did cooking with Awhi. We made chocolate cookies." Michala

"We played on computers and talked about polar bears." Meia
"We created poplets on the iPads." Ryan

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Remember to practice your sign language at home. Click on the picture to play the Old McDonald video. Skip to 3.10mins if you don't want to listen to the introduction. :)

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Our Autumn Art

We are making tree art. We're looking carefully at trees.
We are drawing them. We have been painting leaves on our pictures. Some of ours have leaves and some have no leaves. 
By Ryan
Today after school Mummy and I are going to make jelly for dessert and Hamish will visit us and
maybe go to the warehouse and choose a toy then we will go to bed.
By Odin

Travis and Layton's Farm

This farm has sheep, pigs and horses. Unfortunately we forgot to put a milk factory  
for people milking cows!

Autumn Poems

Wind blowing,
Puddles splashing,
Leaves howling,
Winter is coming.

By Yasmin

Snow melting,
Puddles splashing,
Leaves crackling,
Clouds puffing ,
Rain falling,
Rainbow glistening,
Sunflowers dying,
Winter is coming.
By Summer

Leaves swirling,
Rain dripping,
Rainbow glistening,
Winter is coming.

By Michala

Wind whistling,
Snow falling,
Puddles fading,
Rainbows shining,
Leaves falling,

By Dominic

On Monday I had my birthday. I turned 7. We had a scavenger hunt,
we had fairy bread and we had lots of lollies. The cake was a castle cake. We had chips too. We played pass the parcel. I got  two new shiny cars. I got a full bag of lollies and a full bag of chocolate. I got two new lego sets. One was a droid transporter and the other was a lego spaceship!      
By Odin  

In the  easter holiday I went to Auckland. It was fun. When we got there it was dark. We went on a plane. We had snacks and drinks.

In the weekend I went to Dunedin
because Quinn went to young leaders
and I went to Granny Annies.
By Travis

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

In the weekend one of my cousins came to stay. We got up in the middle of the night we were naughty. We played with a balloon but when her mother came up we went back to bed. We were sneaky.
By Maddi

We have been learning about what life is like in cold places around the world. Would you like to live in Antartica?
I would not like to go to Antartica because I will miss my family.
By Ashley

Jamie McDowell
Last year I went to Dunedin I stayed in a  hotel. I went to a concert. Jamie McDowell sang.  She smiled  nicely
WALT to add speech marks in our writing.
I hear a bang when my mum chops the fire wood and she says, “move out the way”.
By Amber