Sunday, August 30, 2015


This week  we have been making posters about transport. I did one about monster trucks. 

Here are some facts  about them: 

Monster trucks  are very strong.

Layton made a poster about Beckers transport. Here is a photo of Layton's one. James poster is about a jumbo jet. 

By Dominic

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Transport Inquiry Questions

We have some questions about transport. We will try to do some research and find out the answers. If you would like to share any of your knowledge please feel free to post us a comment.

I want to know more about rocketships - Odin
I want to know more about helicopters and jet planes - Summer
Why the pennyfarthing has one big wheel and one small wheel? Michala
Who was the first person to make a space shuttle and who was the first person to go to space? Does time go faster when you are in space? How do people get ready to go to space? Ryan, Dominic, Miss McDonald
How do submarines go underwater without leaking? Riley
How does a jet plane work? William
When were jet planes made? Jasmine
How are cars made? Amber