Sunday, December 11, 2016

Probabilty Games

Friday, December 2, 2016


Mystery at Magpie Manor!  
As you are all aware, our pantomime starts on Monday at 1pm.
All children need to be in class by 5.15pm on Tuesday and Wednesday to get into their costumes and their make up done. The girls will go to Room 6 (Mrs Best) and the boys be in Room 8 with me. 
It takes a long time to do all the face painting and makeup so if you can stay and help (even just for 10 mins) I would really appreciate it. 
The boys are the first dance in the pantomime and will be off stage and back in class after about 30mins. If you would like to collect your son at this time you may otherwise we will get changed, have a toilet break and head back into the pantomime. 
If you have a daughter you would like to collect early please let me know and I will pass this onto Mrs Best.

Pantomime can be a very tiring time for children so if they are really exhausted and need a sleep in just let Rebecca or I know that they are going to be late. I would rather they are half an hour late to school in the morning than upset all day. 

Science Roadshow

On Monday Miss McDonald was lucky enough to take some of the year 4-6 students to the science roadshow. She shared some of what they learnt with us.
We learnt about sound waves and how they travel. We learnt that when the pitch gets higher the sound waves get closer together and when the pitch is deep the sound waves get longer. When the volume is turned up the sound waves get taller and when the volume is quiet the sound waves get short. The science road show team did a cool experiment to show this.