Thursday, March 12, 2015

Week 6 Reflection

This week in class we have been very BUSY!

We have been doing a lot of maths. We have been learning to skip count in 2's, 5's and 10's. The pentagon's group has been learning how to read numbers to 1000 and we can add and subtract 100 to these numbers. For example we know that 341+200= 541.

We have been doing lots of reading and we are all doing really well and moving onto harder books!

We have also been doing some art. We have been sketching butterflies. Come and check them out!

Also a big thank you to Belinda and Kelly who have been spending some mornings in Room 4 helping us with reading, writing and maths. We love having you here. 

That's all for now. Check in next week for some more updates.
From Room 4

Saturday, March 7, 2015


A big Goldfields welcome to Meia who started in Room 4 on Tuesday.  Already Meia has made a lot of friends and settled into our routines. Thank you to all the amazing Room 4 children who have made her feel welcome.
Keep up the great work Meia.

I played with Sienna and she is my friend. We went round the road. She plays with me every day. I like her because she is kind.

By Meia

Amazing writing about EOTC week

My favourite bit of EOTC week was swimming in the lake. I got stuck in the hole. The hole was sticky.

By Maddi

I went the the police station. I went into the cell. I saw a ridiculous toilet. It had a hand basin on top.
By Odin

Webbs Orchard
Children climbing and running around.
Pecking and scratching.
Spraying water on the ground.
By Travis

Police Station
I saw the taser. It was cool. The bed was hard.
By Anika

Police Station
I went to the police station. I saw the cell. A funny toilet was in there. There was a hand basin on top of the toilet.
By Amber

Police Station
Made of concrete with funny toilets in them.
Road Spikes,
Popping people’s tires.
Hitting people or smashing windows.
Finger prints,
Helping us to know who took something.
Locking Ariana’s hands together.
Electrocuting people.
Pepper spray,
Spraying in people’s eyes.
By Summer.

Webbs Orchard
Floating in the blue water.
Turning red.
Clucking and eating.
Watering the trees.
By Yasmin

Webbs Orchard
Stacking boxes of fruit in the cold room.
Cherry picker,
Lifting people in the air to pick the high fruit.
By Philip

Police Station
Road spikes,
Popping baddies tires.
Small and black with tiny bullets.
Pepper spray,
Blinding people making them fall to the ground.
By Damien

Webbs Orchard
Running around getting chased by the dog.
Cherry picker,
Reaching up to pick the fruit.
Popping up out of the ground to water the roasting trees.
By Dominic

Webbs Orchard
Swimming in the blue dam and fetching sticks.
Pecking and scratching the ground.
By Rowan

The Orchard Visit
Moffie was fetching the sticks in the water. The water was blue.
By Layton

My favourite thing to do on Education Outside The Classroom is water play. This is what I did, I slid down lots of water slides. I also got put in the newsletter. If you were wondering why, don’t ask me because I don’t know why.
By Michala.

I had fun at water sports and going to the BMX track. 
By Jordan