Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Some more awesome writing

“Oh no there is a earthquake! What will we do?” I said to myself sadly. My baby sister got scared. I did to. We hid under the table. The books fell off the shelf. Finally it was over and we were able to get out from under the table.

By Sienna

Tomorrow Dad is bringing my sister to Cromwell. I will not be at school on Friday because we’re going to Christchurch for 2 weeks. Then I am going to Ohai with Dad and we are taking the whole week off.
By Summer

Today is Wednesday. Ray came in. He had a blue box. It made a sound. He took the sound out. Guess what it was? It was PUPPIES. I was so excited.
By Anika

Crash! The water broke a tree. Dad kayaked in the flood and fell out. Liam sprinted and saw him. He called for us to help. I tripped up on a rock and there was blood.
Dad had to swim to a grass hill and get back in his kayak to get home.
By Ryan.

On Saturday night I was getting ready for Conner Bride’s big bithday party. “Brush your hair Michala,” Mum called. I put on my pretty clothes. Then I brushed my hair. Dad took us to the hall where the party was. When we were in the back of the hall I saw on the door a big paper police box. I opened the door. “Wow!” I shouted. Mackenzie raced up to the door and lifted me up into the air. A couple of minutes later Mr Wippy came and gave us some ice cream. We ate the ice cream, got some cake and then it was time to leave.
By Michala

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