Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Term 2 starts soon!


Wow that feels a bit weird - we started the year as Room 4 which quickly changed to Room 3 and now we are in the amazing Room 8.

I am loving our new classroom and can't wait for you all to see how it looks. We have a bit more room in this classroom and we have "The Lab" which some of you will be allowed to work in for special tasks.

Image result for science
This term we are having a big science focus and learning how scientists classify animals.
We are going to learn some exciting new words like, vertebrates, invertebrates, mammals, prey, predator, camouflage and many more. We will look at some animals anatomy and the similarities and differences between some animals. I am so excited about this topic and I know you will be too. Later on in the term we will be writing information reports about different animals, making posters and other presentations. It is going to be awesome! So make sure you get plenty of rest because the next 10 weeks are going to be jam packed with learning - especially science. 

See you all Monday!
Miss McDonald

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